Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Milwaukee’s Best, M*A*S*H: The Double-Helix: God’s Sick Joke

The tale of the deforestation of my scalp begins (the copious amounts of hair don’t fall far from the family tree) …

Double-Helix: the structure of nucleic acid which Watson and Crick discovered in 1952. Judging by the patterns of hair-loss-patterns throughout my lineage, I’ve got my great-grandfather’s genes in terms of baldness, but also longevity. What I’m dealing with: my live-and-kicking great-grandfather was born 30 years before, and went bald 5 years prior to, the discovery of DNA.

M*A*S*H: the TV show that ran from 1972 to 1983. (My great-grandfather watched years of syndicated re-runs. What else to do when your genes let you outlive your friends?)

Milwaukee’s Best: the brand of beer my great-grandfather let me sip when I was 5, whilst I sat on his lap watching M*A*S*H re-runs.

God’s Sick Joke: a prank the Greek trickster Hermes wouldn’t have the gall to propagate: to strike me bald at 26, with 70 more years to go, just like my forefather. That this forefather, a widower and now a nonagenarian, has again taken up dating, further illuminates the unique ilk of God’s humor.

I am disconcerted to the nines. I decide to pop open a beer and watch some TV…
(PHOTO: Therein lies the problem. Public domain.)

1 comment:

  1. 95% of individuals who suffer from hair loss are known to have androgenetic alopecia (AGA). Studies published in the scientific journal Nature Genetics demonstrated that the presence of two genetic variants multiplied by seven shows the risk of baldness.

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